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  • Resource and network-aware data placement algorithm for periodic workloads in cloud August 26, 2021

    Dr Hirenkumar Thakkar from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has published a research paper titled “RENDA: Resource and Network-aware Data Placement Algorithm for Periodic Workloads in Cloud” in the journal IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Vol. 32, No. 12, pp. 2906-2920.

    Each year, tech giants are spending millions of dollars to purchase the resources to store the data. However, efficient data placement is a critical issue for companies that experience several terabytes of data generation on daily basis. With such speed of data generation, it is the need of the hour to come up with a strategy for an efficient storage mechanism. This research investigates the data placement problems in cloud data centres and assists several tech giants such as Google, Facebook etc., to manage the cloud resource properly.

    This research benefits society with a lower cost of cloud subscriptions, as tech giants are able to save several thousands of dollars by means of an efficient storage mechanism. This ultimately enables the tech giants to offer cloud service subscriptions at a reasonable cost.

    The study was carried out in collaborations with Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Computing Lab (ABC Lab), Chang Gung University, Taiwan with Prof. Prasan Kumar Sahoo and in collaboration with Prof. Bharadwaj Veeravalli from the National University of Singapore. In addition to the current collaboration, there are several collaborations with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-BHU) as well as the University of Tartu, Estonia.

    In future, Dr Thakkar is planning to come up with a book on cloud resource management using Nature-inspired learning. In addition to that, there are few projects such as filing two separate patents on Healthcare data analysis and opinion feature mining in collaboration with Chang Gung University, Taiwan, the National University of Singapore, and the University of Tartu, Estonia.

    Read the full paper here:

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  • CSE students to transform the future through Accolite Digital August 25, 2021

    Kanyaka Yesasvi, Jaya Vinay Namgiri, Payeli Indra Kiran Kumar, three vibrant students from the Department of Computer Science Engineering get placed in the reputed digital and product engineering services and solutions company Accolite Digital with an exciting CTC of 11LPA.

    Accolite Digital, founded in 2007, is a cutting-edge, best-in-class digital transformation services company that has successfully delivered design-driven challenging digital transformation efforts to Fortune 500 companies. They accomplish so by using a network of talented and passionate technologists to simplify their clients’ digital journeys through human-centric design and product innovation Accolite Digital is able to generate compelling business outcomes and when applied to any organisation, this encourages cross-team collaboration to drive transformed digital experiences. Their agile product innovation strategy speeds up design and development while offering a high return on investment.

    The curriculum of SRM university-AP consists of training for placements beginning from the second year of graduate studies. It helps students to plan for the recruitment drive beforehand. The curriculum of placement consists of CCC training where students are divided into batches given individual attention on respective domains.

    Let’s look into what our students say:

    Kanyaka Yesasvi:
    When I got to know that I received an offer in Accolite Digital as a software engineer I was overwhelmed with happiness. From July till date more than 80 companies visited us. Every day we are applying to multiple organisations through our placement cell. I am grateful to SRM University for giving me extraordinary opportunities to launch my career.

    Payeli Indra Kiran Kumar:
    The CR&CS department gives training on all important aspects required for us to crack the placement, like coding classes, contests, mock interviews, mock GD etc. I started preparing for the interviews using the materials provided by CCC. The faculty in my CSE department helped in all possible ways that they can. I suggest to juniors to make use of all the opportunities provided by the university and learn core subjects like DSA, OS, DBMS and CN for cracking super dream placement offers.

    Jaya Vinay Namgiri:
    Acceleration bootcamp provided by CCC helped me brush up on my coding skills and made me ready to face the companies in the Placement drive 2022. I thank the placement team for providing a helpdesk virtually in spite of this covid situation. That cleared all my doubts and helped me to plan accordingly. I would like to suggest my juniors develop any one project of their interest every year so that at the end of the third year they will be ready to face the recruitment drive.

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