B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering Curriculum

The Computer Science and Engineering curriculum is geared towards providing the student with a strong foundation in the discipline and the tools and competence to address new and challenging problems that they have not seen before. In order to earn a BTech degree in Computer Science and Engineering, a student should earn a minimum of 160 credits in the course of their study. The credit requirements for their program of study is comprised of 4 parts:

  • General Education Requirements – Humanities and Social Science (HS)
  • Science and Engineering Requirements – Basic Sciences (BS) and Engineering Science (ES)
  • Disciplinary Requirements comprising of:
    • Computer Science and Engineering Core course (CSE)
    • Computer Science and Engineering Electives (CSE-E)
    • Research, Design, and Industry Practice component -- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), Summer Internships, Specialized courses through the Study Abroad program, Senior Thesis Project, and Industry CO-OP through the semester.
  • Open Electives (OE)

One credit corresponds to one hour of lecture, 2 hours of recitation or 2 hours of lab work. Typically, one credit translates to 3 hours of work per week for a student as a combination of in-class and out-of-class engagement with the course work. In-class work corresponds to time spent in lecture, recitation, and discussion sessions. Out-of-class student work includes homework assignments, project work, independent or group study, or other work relating to the course.

General Education Requirements (GER)

The General Education Requirements consist of courses in Humanities and Social Sciences that are aimed at developing communication skills, both oral and written; understanding human cultures, past and present; awareness of concepts, ideas, and systems of thought that underlie human activities; understanding of the social, political, and economic framework of societies; understanding the impact of science and technology on society. Courses pertaining to communication skills, law and ethics, and the relationship between science, technology and society are required of every student.

Science and Engineering Requirements (SER)

The Basic Sciences courses aim to provide outgoing graduates with a strong foundation in the sciences. Required courses include courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental Science. The Engineering Sciences requirements support multiple objectives: first, the courses provide a foundation in the basic tools and methodologies common to all engineering disciplines; second, all students are exposed to basics of each discipline allowing for cross-disciplinary competencies; last, there is a multi-disciplinary project component where students from different engineering disciplines come together on a design project, allowing for practice in collaborative teamwork.

Computer Science and Engineering Requirements

The disciplinary core courses are aimed at providing the student with a solid foundation in their chosen field of study. The disciplinary electives, on the other hand, provide the student with an option to gain exposure to different specializations within the discipline, or an opportunity to study one of the subfields in some depth.

Open Electives

The open subject elective courses provide the student wide latitude to pursue their interests, be it in humanities, arts, their chosen field of study, a related discipline, or use it towards developing a concentration in another field as a Minor.

Advanced Undergraduate subjects and courses from within and outside engineering disciplines for “minor” fields of study in addition to their major are being evolved in partnerships with international experts. The students can elect to consider these additional options upon joining the university.
