Semester Abroad Programme (SAP)

The Semester Abroad Program at SRM University AP is designed to facilitate the exchange of students studying second and third year of engineering to visit foreign universities for a semester. SRM AP has collaboration with prestigious universities around the world. This gives the students exposure to different cultures and a platform not only for gaining deeper knowledge in their core competencies but also understanding and appreciating the pressing issues faced by society.

Collaborations: SRM AP has collaborations (MOUs) with University of California Berkeley, (UCB), University of Wisconsin Madison (UCW), IIT Chicago, EFREI France, Asia University Taiwan. SRM AP is in the process of adding more universities to this list.

The top ranking students in the class are eligible to apply based on their CGPA. SAP is highly competitive within the university, students will go through a rigorous internal assessment by the selection panel, this includes a personal interview. Those who pass the internal selection may be put through the selection procedure of the collaborating institute in some cases. Meritorious students, based on their performance in the interviews will be given tuition fee waiver.