Electronics and Communication Engineering Electives

The open subject elective courses provide the student wide latitude to pursue their interests, be it in humanities, arts, their chosen field of study, a related discipline, or use it towards developing a concentration in another field as a Minor.

Advanced Undergraduate Subjects, and courses from within and outside engineering disciplines for “minor” fields of study in addition to their major are being evolved in partnerships with international experts. The students can elect to consider these additional options upon joining the university.

Technical Electives from ECE
Satellite Communication
Digtal Image Processing
Antenna and Wavepropagation
Optical Communication
Data Communication
Wireless Communication
Speech and Audio Processing
Solid State Circuits
Information Theory and Coding
Adaptive Signal Processing
Televison and Video Engineering
Embedded Systems
Sensors and Transducers
Computer Networks

Open Elective
Any course in the university

Humanity/Social Science Electives
Foreign languages
Historical thinking
Political Science
Soft Skills
Aptitude/Reasoning Skills

Technical Electives for Signal Processing Specilization
Biomedical Signal Processing
Adaptive Signal Processing
Speech and Audio Processing
Digital Image Processing
Television and Video Engineering

Technical Electives for Embedded Systems Specilization
Advanced DSP
Introduction to Embedded Systems
Embedded Microcontrollers
Advanced Microprocessors (ARM) & Interfacing
Real-time Operating Systems