Recent News | Department of Economics

  • Economics Students Admitted to Esteemed Global Universities June 2, 2023

    economics student achievementGetting into one of the global universities of great repute is an impactful motivation for every aspiring student to accomplish even greater things. It opens the gateway to a promising career they have been passionately dreaming of. Two exceptional students from the Department of Economics have been offered admission to highly esteemed international higher education institutions. Gayatri and Sruti, the final year Economics students of SRM University-AP, have been accepted into the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, and the Russell Group Universities.

    Ms Gayatri Jonnala was ecstatic while reading the offer letter to study MSc at a leading global university. She has been accepted into the Erasmus School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, an institution among the QS top 50 universities.

    ‘‘The curriculum at SRM University-AP is very similar to the requirements of a Master’s in Economics abroad. Taking part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities helps build a holistic statement of purpose. The reading material in the library for the English proficiency tests was adequate for good preparation’’, said Gayathri while elaborating on her learning experiences at the campus.

    Ms Sruti Poolla was shocked and delighted to receive her offer letters from the world-renowned Russell Group Universities. She chose the University of Birmingham from the list of universities she has gotten accepted into. The Russell Group universities are known to be research intensive and very hard to get into because of their competitiveness. It is among the world’s top 100 universities, according to QS Ranking.

    ‘‘There was not much preparation I did. I had to write an English proficiency exam for which I prepared. The other aspects for admission were a statement of purpose, a letter of reference from my professors and my college transcripts. I can say that I have had good grades since my first semester, and my professors encouraged and trusted me enough to say good things in my LOR. The experience I’ve gained in my three years at SRM University-AP formed a good SOP for me to get accepted,” said Sruti while asked about her preparation strategy.

    Sruti and Gayatri shared how the faculty of SRM University-AP have been very enthusiastic to know about their future plans and constantly encouraged all students to choose the right career option. The varsity’s curriculum has improved the students’ knowledge in various subjects, which will only be an advantage for them while pursuing further education. Sruti extended her gratitude to the Dean-Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and all the faculty at the Department of Economics.

    ‘‘My dissertation supervisor, Dr Manzoor Hassan Malik and Prof. Bandi Kamaiah, provided continuous guidance and support to receive the offer letter from a prestigious university, for which I’m very thankful,’’ added Gayatri.

    Both look forward to a bright future after completing their master’s at reputed global universities.

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  • Market Integration of Chickpea Crop in India June 2, 2023


    Dr Ghanshyam Kumar Pandey, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics has published a paper titled “Market Integration of Chickpea Crop: An Evidence of India”, in the esteemed Q1 Journal, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies having an impact factor of 3.50. Through this paper, Dr Pandey analyses the integration and direction of causality of prices of chickpea produce in the markets of India.


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the market integration and direction of causality of wholesale and retail prices for chickpea legumes in major chickpea markets in India.

    Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, the authors have employed the Johansen co-integration test, Granger causality test, vector autoregression (VAR), and vector error correction model (VECM) to examine the integration of markets. The authors use monthly wholesale and retail price data of the chickpea crop from select markets in India spanning January 2003–December 2020.

    Findings – The results of this study strongly confirm the co-integration and interdependency of the selected chickpea markets in India. However, the speed of adjustment of prices in the wholesale market is weakest in Bikaner, followed by Daryapur and Narsinghpur; it is relatively moderate in Gulbarga. In contrast, the speed of adjustment is negative for Bhopal and Delhi, weak for Nasik, and moderate for retail market prices in Bangalore. The results of the causality test show that the Narsinghpur, Daryapur, and Gulbarga markets are the most influential, with bidirectional relations in the case of wholesale market prices. Meanwhile, the Bangalore market is the most connected and effective retail market among the selected retail markets. It has bidirectional price transmission with two other markets, i.e., Bhopal and Nasik.

    Research limitations/implications – This paper calls for forthcoming studies to investigate the impact of external and internal factors, such as market infrastructure; government policy regarding self-reliant production; product physical characteristics; and rate of utilisation indicating market integration. They should also focus on strengthening information technology for the regular flow of market information to help farmers increase their incomes. Very few studies have explored market efficiency and direction of causality using both linear and nonlinear techniques for wholesale and retail prices of chickpeas in India.


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  • An appraisal of India’s comparative advantage in information technology exports April 3, 2023

    comparative advantage in information technology exportsResearchers of the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences have worked on India’s comparative advantage in information technology exports with competing developing nations, including China, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brazil. The latest paper published by Assistant Professor Dr Manzoor Hassan Malik, Department of Economics and Assistant Professor Dr Aehsan Ahmad Dar, Department of Psychology, has implications for attaining sustainability in IT export growth. It is suggested that policies are directed at enhancing the overall performance of the IT sector. The novelty of the present study lies in the estimation of India’s competitiveness in IT exports in relation to the group of reference countries, namely China, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brazil. With its policy recommendations, this research is helping to shape the sustainability of the IT sector.

    The paper titled An appraisal of India’s comparative advantage in information technology exports was published in the Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies with an impact factor of 1.560.


    The purpose of this study is to estimate revealed comparative advantage and Normalised Revealed Comparative Advantage (NRCA) indices of India’s Computer and Information Services (CIS) export competitiveness about Information Technology (IT) competing developing nations, such as China, Philippines, Malaysia and Brazil. Using annual data of total exports for CIS, transportation (TNS), travel (TVL) and insurance (INS) services under service categories of the balance of payment, the present study estimates the pattern of Comparative Advantage (CA) in India’s CIS exports with respect to IT competing developing nations such as China, Philippines, Malaysia and Brazil from 2000 to 2018. The choice of the study period is determined by the availability of consistent data on IT service exports of these nations. The study also estimates the export position of CIS export in comparison to India’s traditionally strong commercial services export of TNS, TVL and INS during the study period. Both indices showed that India had a strong CA in CIS compared to the selected nations, indicating India’s relative export performance to be stronger than that of China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brazil. The cross-service index showed that India’s relative specialisation level in CIS with respect to the world’s average specialisation level was stronger than its relative specialisation level in TNS, TVL and INS services. Furthermore, The NRCA cross-nation index showed that India’s NRCA index score has been declining since 2010 with respect to these nations, which implied a decline in the competitiveness of CIS. On the other hand, NRCA has increased in the case of the Philippines, Malaysia and Brazil for most of the period post-2010.

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  • Estimating ACEs among Young Adults in Kashmir December 26, 2022


    The Faculty of Psychology and Economics have jointly published a paper titled “Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) among young adults of Kashmir” in the Q1 Journal Child Abuse & Neglect, having an impact factor of 4.863. Dr Aehsan Ahmad Dar, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Dr Manzoor Hassan Malik, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics; Dr Ayesha Parveen Haroon, Lecturer, Department of Psychology; Dr Dhamodharan M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology have worked on interpreting the emotional constraints that are harboured among the young adults experiencing the adversities in turbulent Kashmir.


    The present study estimated the prevalence of ACEs among young adults studying in the colleges and universities of Kashmir, India. Findings disclosed that 15.4 % of the students reported high exposure to ACEs, 13.4% of the participants reported high exposure to ACEs, 26.3 % of the sample reported moderate exposure to ACEs, 33.0 % of the youth reported low exposure to ACEs and 11.8 % of the respondents reported no exposure to ACEs. The prevalence of ACEs was found to be 88.2 % (females: 82.7 % and males: 90.8 %) with a mean of 4.72 adverse events during childhood. The ACEs with the highest level of prevalence were “often or very often insulted or put down” (49.8 %), followed by “often or very often hurt physically” (47.6 %), “often or very often pushed, grabbed, or slapped” (41.6 %), “lived with a mentally ill household member” (28.3%), “touched or sexually fondled” (25.3 %),” household member being into the prison” (25.0%) and “witnessed father or mother being pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at them” (24.0%).

    Practical Implementation of the Research

    The findings of the study will serve as a reliable source for healthcare professionals, policymakers and NGOs to better understand the impact of ACEs on the health and well-being of individuals. Since ACEs are associated with several immediate and long-term health hazards, therefore, necessary efforts in this direction are suggested to advocate the early targeted intervention to reduce ACEs and their impact as well as design effective measures to improve the health and well-being of young adults, thereby reducing the development of physical and mental disorders.


    1. Prof. Sibnath Deb, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India.
    2. Dr Manzoor Hassan Mali, Department of Economics, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India
    3. Prof. Waheeda khan, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Budhera, Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, India.
    4. Dr Ayesha Parveen Haroon, Department of Psychology, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India
    5. Dr Amra Ahsan, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Budhera, Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, India
    6. Dr Farhat Jahan, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Budhera, Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, India
    7. Dr Bushra Sumaiya, Faculty of Education, Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, Budhera, Gurugram, Delhi-NCR, India.
    8. Shaheen Yawar Bhat, Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
    9. Dr Dhamodharan M, Department of Psychology, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India
    10. Mohamad Qasim, Independent Researcher

    The research cohort plans to study youth’s mental health and ascertain its risk and protective factors. About 19% of the world’s children live in India, which constitutes 42% of the total Indian population, and nearly half of these children are vulnerable and need care and protection. Due to various traumatic experiences, stress has increased among young people resulting in various physical and mental disorders.

    The research will focus on the pathogenic (post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, somatisation) and salutogenic (post-traumatic growth and resilience) consequences of trauma to help the youth withstand adverse experiences and develop psychological competence. The research will provide insights into the mental health of youth that would be helpful for the administration, policymakers, and other voluntary organisations to understand effective ways to devise and implement the best intervention programs for maximising mental health protective factors and minimising its risk factors.

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  • ‘The modern Kautilya of India’: Dr C Rangarajan on India’s economic development October 29, 2022

    The fifteenth edition of University Distinguished Lecture series on the topic “India at 75 and beyond”, was held on October 29, 2022 to celebrate the magnificent growth displayed by India. The session was addressed by Dr C Rangarajan, renowned economist and former Governor of Reserve Bank of India. The intense and inspiring lecture highlighted the importance of reflection on the past and articulation of our vision for our future to enable rapid progression on economic development.

    Dr C Rangarajan gave a comprehensive outlook on the economic performance of India since independence. “India has made momentous progress on reducing multidimensional poverty. The incidents of multidimensional poverty were almost reduced by half to almost 27.5% during 2005-06 and 2015-16 period due to deeper progress among the poorest. Thus within 10 years, the number of poor people in India fell by more than 270 million, a truly massive achievement,” he stated during the lecture.

    Dr Rangarajan further expounded on the importance of reform agendas and measures, the subsisting triad of economic policies and the future challenges of progressing into being a developed nation. The lecture was followed by a Q & A session moderated by Dr S Ananda Rao and Dr Erra Kamal Sai Sadharma from the Department Economics.

    Prof Kamaiah Bandi, Dean-School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences applauded Dr Rangarajan on being a unique distinction of shaping and motivating five generations of intellectual cohort. “Dr C Rangarajan has successfully brought down the gap between theory and practice in his capacity as Governor of RBI and various other important positions he has held for our nation. We as SRM AP look forward to your remarkable experience and knowledge to incubate motivation in our students.”

    SRM University-AP has actively promoted a cumulative intellectual ecosystem and interdisciplinary education. “The principal objective of the University Distinguished Lecture series is to impel research scholars, students from all around the world to undertake progressive measures for the holistic development of our nation”, said Honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof Manoj K Arora in his welcome address.

    Prof D Narayana Rao, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, SRM University-AP concluded the event by addressing Dr C Rangarajan as ‘the modern Kautilya of India’ and presented a memento on behalf of the institution as a token of respect and appreciation for his esteemed presence at the fifteenth edition of the University Distinguished Lecture series.

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The Department of Economics is inviting Distinguished Visiting Professor, Prof. Rathinasamy Maria Saleth for two esteemed seminars on novel topics of social relevance. Prof. Saleth will talk on “Climate Change, Water, and Adaptation” on November 29, 2023, and “Social Science Research: Theories, Models, and Empirical Analysis” on November 30, 2023.

Join the sessions and gain insights from the seasoned academician!

About the Speaker

Prof. Rathinasamy Maria Saleth is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics, Easwari School of Liberal Arts, SRM University-AP. He is regularly affiliated as an Honorary Professor at the Madras School of Economics, Chennai.

Prof. Saleth received his MA from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai (1979), MPhil from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (1981), and PhD from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (1989). He works in the areas of water resource management, institutional change, development policy, and impact assessment and has published three books, six edited volumes, and over 100 research papers in journals and edited volumes related to these areas.

Prof. Saleth has also won awards for some of his papers, books, and works from professional organisations such as the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, the American Water Resources Association, the International Water Association, and the University of South Australia. He has also been a consultant to the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organisation, Asian Development Bank, UN Economic and Social Council for the Asia and the Pacific, and UN Environment Programme.

Talk 1: Climate Change, Water, and Adaptation

Abstract: This presentation covers the nature and magnitude of the impacts of climate change on water resources and possible coping and adaptation options both from global and national perspectives. The presentation starts with a discussion on the leading causes of climate change, especially the cumulative effects of global warming caused by greenhouse gases and related environmental consequences from human-induced economic activities and ecological disturbances. It, then, shows how the impacts of climate change are manifested both at the global and national scale in terms of the spatial and temporal patterns of precipitation and water availability and the resultant implications for water, agriculture, and economy. Although climate change is caused essentially by non-hydrological factors, the water sector continues to be the main medium through which most of its impacts are transmitted to the agricultural sector in particular and other economic sectors in general. As such, it is but natural for the adaptation/coping strategies also to be designed at the point of the impacted sectors, though, admittedly, general mitigation strategies go far beyond these sectors. The presentation, finally, concludes by delineating feasible adaptation strategies for the water sector, which include not just demand management options but also supply management avenues, especially those involving institutional changes and infrastructural developments.

Talk 2: Social Science Research: Theories, Models, and Empirical Analysis

Abstract: This presentation covers the theoretical, methodological, and empirical aspects of social science research, especially from the perspective of young research scholars. It starts with a discussion on the nature, rationale, features, and types of building blocks of social science theories. After an analytical description of three broad types of models, i.e., simple, interactive, and path-based models, the presentation provides concrete illustrations, particularly for the interactive and path-based models using a few empirical case studies. These illustrative case studies will show how to conceptualize, operationalize, and empirically evaluate the research problems in different contexts. The presentation, finally, concludes with the discussion on some of the additional methodological, practical, and data-related aspects of importance in social science research.

Pandey, G. (2020). “Sources and Drivers of Agricultural Growth in Jharkhand” Paper is awarded with Gold medal on Research Day at SRM University held on 29th January 2020.