BSc Honours Computer Science Curriculum

  • BSc (Honours) Computer Science with Research (4 years programme - 172 Credits)
  • BSc Computer Science (3 years programme - 118 Credits)
  • BSc (Honours) Computer Science (3 years programme - 134 Credits)
  • BSc Computer Science with Research (4 years programme - 156 Credits)

Semester I

  • A primer to Biology
  • Practical Biology
  • Introduction to Physics
  • Introduction to Physics Laboratory
  • Introduction to Chemistry
  • Introduction to Mathematics
  • Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using C
  • Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using C Lab
  • Industry Specific Employability Skills-I

Semester II

  • Introduction to Environmental Science
  • Introduction to Communicative English
  • Data Structures
  • Data Structures Lab
  • Probability and Statistics For Engineers
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Industry Standard Coding Practice-I
  • Industry Specific Employability Skills-II

Semester III

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
  • Object oriented Programming with C++
  • Object oriented Programming with C++ Lab
  • Minor 1
  • Industrial Standard Coding Practice-II
  • Industry Specific Employability Skills-III
  • Introduction to Programming Using Python
  • Introduction to Programming Using Python Lab

Semester IV

  • Operating Systems
  • Operating Systems Lab
  • Java Programming
  • Java Programming Lab
  • Minor 2
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
  • Machine Learning/Applied Data Science
  • Machine Learning Lab/Applied Data Science Lab
  • Industry Standard Coding Practice-III
  • Industry Specific Employability Skills-IV

Semester V

  • Database Management System
  • Database Management System Lab
  • Minor 3
  • CSC Elective 1
  • Artificial Intelligence/Data Warehousing and Mining
  • Artificial Intelligence Lab/Data Warehousing and Mining Lab
  • Open Elective 1

Semester VI

  • Principles of Soft Computing/Information Retrieval
  • Principles of Soft Computing Lab/Information Retrieval Lab
  • Open Elective 2
  • CSE Elective 2
  • CSE Elective 3
  • Minor 4
  • Project

Semester VII

  • CSE Elective 4
  • CSE Elective 5
  • Research Methodology
  • Technical Writing
  • Project

Semester VIII

  • Project


  • Introduction to Programming Using Python
  • Artificial Intelligence/Data Warehousing and Mining
  • Machine Learning/Applied Data Science
  • Digital Image Processing/Principles of Big data Management
  • Principles of Soft Computing/Information Retrieval