PhD in Economics Programme

This program offers the candidates a broad overview along of economics along with the depth of specialization in their area of research. The original research work conducted during the course of this program produces output that is worthy of publication.

The PhD program in Economics at SRMAP begins with a semester-length coursework, during which the candidates will study 12 credits worth of courses, including Research Methodology and two optional courses with respect to their specialization.

The candidate authors a thesis, out of which he/she is rigorously expected to produce high quality research suitable to be published in reputed journals. The programme culminates in a Thesis Defense in the presence of the Research Supervisor, an External examiner and experts and peers.


  • Applied Time Series Analysis
  • International Finance
  • Macroeconomics, Monetary, and Financial Economics
  • International Trade
  • Trade and Competitiveness
  • Trade and Environment
  • Environmental and Energy Issues
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Role of business group affiliation in firm-level innovation and exports
  • Equity market integration in emerging markets
  • Industrial Organization
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Development Economics
  • Economic Geography

We are looking for highly motivated post-graduate degree holders to join us for the PhD programme at the Department of Economics.

The application can be submitted online (

  • The selection process is based on written examination and interviews.
  • Selected candidates will receive a PhD Research Fellowship of Rs. 36,000/- per month from SRM University-AP.
  • Interested candidates may directly contact individual faculty members or send an email to Visit Faculty Profiles for various areas of specialisation.