Abstract Submission

40 outstationed participants (within India) who paid registration fees, will be supported with Travel allowance (both ways) to attend the conference at SRM University AP, Andhra Pradesh. The mode of support will be 2nd Class sleeper for students and postdocs via Train, or Bus. No taxi bill will be reimbursed.

Last date for submission of abstracts: 9th December 2019

Please prepare the abstract using the given template and upload the file during registration.

The abstract will be peer-reviewed and accepted as oral/poster for ACCMS-ICMG 2020. A limited number of abstracts will be accepted for the conference.

Further questions related to abstract submission and the scientific program can be sent to accms@srmap.edu.in

Download Abstract Template

Abstract Submission Link

Papers will be published in a Special Issue (peer-reviewed) of 'Journal of Electronic Materials' which has an impact factor of 1.68

Papers will be published in a Special Issue (peer-reviewed) of 'Catalysis Today' which has an impact factor of 4.888

We encourage the participants of ACCMS-ICMG 2020 to submit full manuscripts in the above mentioned journals, as relevant. The submission will start in February 2020 though the respective journal's portal. We will inform the submission procedure during the conference.