
Higher Secondary / +2 in any stream, Working knowledge in English

Program Duration

5 sessions

Fee Structure

Envisioned by Sadhguru, Project Samskriti offers programmes in Indian classical arts, including music, dance, and Kalaripayattu – a martial art form. Project Samskriti is an endeavour to nurture, preserve and showcase the magnificence of classical Indian arts as possibilities for transformation and inner growth at a time when these art forms are being practised just as hobbies. Isha Samskriti advanced students and alumni, with years of rigorous training and an experiential understanding of the impact of the classical arts, will offer these programmes.

Born in Tamil Nadu, Subramanya Bharathiyar was a Tamil scholar, writer, poet, journalist, freedom fighter, and a strong advocate for women’s empowerment. Though he had an incredible proficiency over the Tamil language, his use of both scholarly as well as simple dialect enabled him to influence social progress through his words.

Bharathiyar was a devotee of the goddess also known as Shakti. For him, Shakti embodied something much more than just an idol. In his poem, Thunbam Illaadha Nilaiye Shakthi, we get a glimpse at how Bharathiyar viewed both Shakti as well as the power of the feminine.

Program Highlights:

  • Learn the song with the correct pronunciation.
  • Basic vocal exercises.
  • Introduction to the concept of shruti
  • Sadhguru’s insight on the significance of Shakti and the power of the feminine