Easwari School of Liberal Arts

Department of Media Studies

From the HOD's Desk


The Department of Media Studies desires to move beyond the confines of the classroom and transform learning into an experiential and employment-oriented event. Through our diverse and distinct courses, students will explore the whole mass of mediatic forms that have become an integral part of our culture and ways of life. Our department believes in creating responsible individuals with strong democratic and liberal values, and full of creative possibilities. From billboards to AI, newspapers to Twitter, feedback to sharing, we are enmeshed in an environment that is continuously regulated, censored, and exposed to all kinds of external exploitations. In these urgent times, we dream of engendering voices that will question and counter the contagious affects and effects of various media platforms and devices. Our undergraduate and doctoral degrees are established on the twin pillars of kindness and empathy.

- Dr Asijit Datta
Head of the Department,
Department of Media Studies
Easwari School of Liberal Arts
SRM University-AP