1st International Conference on

Advances in Environmental Sustainability,
Energy and Earth Science


March 14 - 16, 2024

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About SRM University-AP

SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh is a multi-disciplinary research-intensive institute combining academic rigor, evolving research ecosystem, and pioneering faculty. As a leading tertiary education institution, SRM-AP has been challenging the conventional learning ecosystem since its inception to create a novel avenue where passion for wisdom meets purpose and excellence.

About the Department


The Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, SRM University-AP is one of the leading departments under the School of Engineering & Sciences in both teaching & research. It is multidisciplinary in nature with diverse faculty from a spectrum of specializations of global importance and aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs): ecology & biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, waste resource recovery & management, climate change, bioenergy, circular economy, biogeochemistry, forest ecology, phytoremediation, microplastics, enzymology, coastal hydrogeology, metal recovery & e-waste, biotechnology for pollution prevention, etc.

About the Conference

Most of challenges of the modern-day world are climate change, ecological degradation, deforestation, solid waste management, energy crisis, microplastics, pollution etc. stem from an imbalance between environmental protection and economic development. In this context, SDGs and ecosystem restoration are the global calls for achieving the sustainability to ensure the peace and prosperity by 2030. In order to achieve the targets of SDGs, it is important to leverage on the frontier areas of science and technology and join hands with different stakeholders for equal growth in all the sectors. This conference aims to bring together various experts in the fields of environmental sustainability, energy and earth science for a sustainable future.

Conference Objectives

  • To discuss frontier areas of research and disseminate scientific information in the fields of environmental sustainability, energy and earth science.
  • To identify and address the challenges to attain the environmental sustainability
  • To share, learn and connect with the leading experts from academia, industry, policy makers, scientists and other professionals.

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