
Higher Secondary / +2 in any stream, Working knowledge in English

Program Duration

20 Hours in 4 Weeks, 5 Hours / Week

Fee Structure

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) belongs to the Gaudiya-Vaishnava sampradāya, a monotheistic tradition within the Vedic or Hindu culture. Philosophically it is based on the Sanskrit texts Bhagavad-gītā and the Bhagavat Purana, or Srimad Bhagavatam, the historical texts of the devotional bhakti yoga tradition, which teaches that the ultimate goal for all living beings is to reawaken their love for God, or Lord Krishna, the “all-attractive one”.

  • Master-Servant Relationship is sweet
  • Master-Servant solve problems as one unit
  • Diagnose first, Prescribe next
  • Empower subordinates to express without hesitation  (through Friendliness)
  • When can a friend become a philosopher?
  • Be mild or fierce? – Goal is to elevate
  • Appreciative Master wins the heart of Servant
  • Empathic Master understands and influences
  • Compassionate Master knows the power of forgiving
  • Answer logically the honest inquiries