Assistant Professor

Dr V Udaya Sankar 

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


  1. Signal Processing for Advanced Wireless Communications
  2. Game theory, Machine Learning and Optimization



Sreevidyaniketan Engineering College


Indian Institute of Technology


Indian Institute of Science


  • May 2018 - November 2018, Research Executive | K2O Consulting, Bangalore
  • April 2016 - January 2017, Baseband Systems Lead | Astrome Technologies, Bangalore
  • December 2006 - July 2009, Software Engineer | L&T Infotech, Bangalore
  • May 2005 - April 2006, Member Technical Staff | Sarayu Softtech, Chennai
  • July 2000 - January 2001, Lecturer | Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and Management studies, Chittoor (AP)

Research Interest

  • Resource allocation in femtocells via Game theory: In this thesis work, we worked on interference mitigation between Femtocells and Macrocell for the case where both user and Femto Basestation (FBS) has single antenna. Eventhough we obtain efficient algorithm for the case where QoS of all users within a Femtocell satisfied, but in the case of where QoS not satisfied for some/all users within a Femtocell we obtained fair allocation of algorithms. Here I will be investigating various mechanisms (for example usage of multiple antennas at both user and FBS) to get effective algorithms for interference mitigation but still all user’s rate requirements are satisfied within a Femtocell.
  • IoT for Agriculture: Main objective is to get end to end solution for Agriculture using Internet of Things. In the first phase we are considering
    • disease prediction using images from leafs
    • predicting whether a particular plant needs water or not based on input from soil moister sensor, weather sensor and temperature sensor. Later, we extend this to the case by considering disease as input to predict needful of water and extending to multiple plants (large area of agriculture land) and also using advance algorithms such as Deep learning
    • Main objective is to obtain papers and prototype.
  • IoT application to Structural Health Monitoring of Roads: In the first phase we consider distress detection of roads with following steps.
    • Given an image how to predict distress for road using simple image processing techniques. Later we will be extending to complex algorithms such as Machine learning and Deep learning.
    • Next step is to collecting image using cameras: Since we have to take pictures from large areas hence we will be investigating and proposing various methods to obtain images.
    • Main objective is to obtain papers and prototype
  • Transceiver design for 5G Wireless Communications:  In the first phase we are considering channel models & simulations using Matlab and Python for various scenarios.
    • Later we will be considering Digital beam forming algorithms as well as various modulation formats to design communication link for few use cases such as fixed transmitter & receiver, moving transmitter & fixed receiver etc..
    • Main objective is to obtain papers and prototype.

Awards & Fellowships

  • 2002-Gate-MHRD
  • 2008-AOTS Scholar-Hindu-Hitachi (Technical scholarship programme)


  • Senior Member, IEEE
  • Associate Member, IETE
  • Member, SIAM
  • Member, The Institution of Engineers (India)


  • Sankar, V.U,  Sharma  V,  “Subchannel  Allocation  and  Power  Control  in  Femtocells  to  Provide Quality of Service” ,IEEE NCC, February 5, 2012.
  • Sankar, V.U, Sharma V, “Pricing and Power Allocation in Femtocells using Stackelberg Game Theory”,IEEE SPCOM,July 2014.
  • Sankar, V.U,  Sharma  V,  “QoS  Provisioning  for  Multiple  Femtocells  via  Game  Theory”,  IEEE ANTS, December, 2014.
  • Sankar, V.U, Sharma V, “QoS Provisioning for Multiple Femtocells via Game Theory”, published in Computer Networks, Elsevier, Vol 102, 2016, pp.70-82.
  • Sankar, V.U, Sharma V, “Pricing and Power Allocation in Femtocells using Stackelberg Game Theory”, In preparation for journal
  • Sankar, V.U, Sharma V, “ Algorithms for Nash and Pareto Equilibria for Resource Allocation in Multiple Femtocells”,  In preparation for journalSankar, V.U, Sharma V, “Pricing and Power Allocation in Femtocells using Stackelberg Game Theory”, In preparation for journal
  • Dr. Udaya Sankar has published a patent on “A mobile phone assisted image-based attendance system and a method thereof”.

Contact Details

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